Here are the 4 steps to generate your Involve Affiliate link:
- Log in to your Partner dashboard. In the top menu, click the ‘Deeplink Generator button at the top right corner of your screen.’
- Copy the product URL that you want to promote from the Advertiser’s website.
- Paste the product URL into the ‘Deeplink Generator’ and generate your link.
- Grab your generated Involve Affiliate link and include it in your content.
Let’s go over the step-by-step in a little bit more detail:
STEP 1: Navigate to the Involve Deeplink Generator
- Log in to your Partner dashboard
- There are two (2) ways for you to create your deeplink:
- Navigate to the top right menu and click “Create Deeplink”
- Navigate to the “Generate Affiliate Link” section at the left corner of your Partner dashboard
STEP 2: Copy the Seller’s Product URL
In this example, let’s say you want to promote the Xiaomi Poco X3 phone which is sold on Shopee.
- Go to the sellers’ website (in this case, it’s Shopee).
- Find the product that you want to promote.
- Copy that product’s URL as shown in the below example:
STEP 3: Generate your Involve Affiliate link
- Paste the product URL in the ‘Deeplink Generator.’
- Click on “Generate Deeplink”.
- Copy the generated Involve Affiliate link so that you can start promoting.
STEP 4: Insert Your Affiliate Link into Your Content
Create awesome content and insert your Affiliate link into your content, Here’s an example of a Publisher inserting their Affiliate link in their Facebook post:
Then, all that is left to do is to promote your content as much as possible, remember, it’s a numbers game! Click the link below to start generating your Involve Affiliate links: