How To Generate Your Affiliate Links

How to Generate Involve Affiliate Links In 4 Steps

Here are the 4 steps to generate your Involve Affiliate link:

  1. Log in to your Partner dashboard. In the top menu, click the ‘Deeplink Generator button at the top right corner of your screen.’
  2. Copy the product URL that you want to promote from the Advertiser’s website.
  3. Paste the product URL into the ‘Deeplink Generator’ and generate your link.
  4. Grab your generated Involve Affiliate link and include it in your content.

Let’s go over the step-by-step in a little bit more detail:

  1. Log in to your Partner dashboard
  2. There are two (2) ways for you to create your deeplink:
    • Navigate to the top right menu and click “Create Deeplink”
    • Navigate to the “Generate Affiliate Link” section at the left corner of your Partner dashboard

STEP 2: Copy the Seller’s Product URL 

In this example, let’s say you want to promote the Xiaomi Poco X3 phone which is sold on Shopee.

  1. Go to the sellers’ website (in this case, it’s Shopee).
  2. Find the product that you want to promote.
  3. Copy that product’s URL as shown in the below example:

  1. Paste the product URL in the ‘Deeplink Generator.’
  2. Click on “Generate Deeplink”.
  3. Copy the generated Involve Affiliate link so that you can start promoting.

Create awesome content and insert your Affiliate link into your content, Here’s an example of a Publisher inserting their Affiliate link in their Facebook post:

Then, all that is left to do is to promote your content as much as possible, remember, it’s a numbers game! Click the link below to start generating your Involve Affiliate links:

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