How To Increase Your Involve Conversions on Tiktok

How To Increase Your Involve Conversions on TikTok

TikTok, founded in 2016, is a social platform known for short-form video sharing. It has gained popularity across various age groups, businesses, and nations. For Involve Partners, leveraging TikTok becomes an excellent choice for link promotion.

The potential for TikTok users to transform their content into a profitable business makes TikTok a viable means of generating income. 

Here are a few reasons why TikTok stands out in the world of affiliate marketing:

1. Longer User Time Spent

TikTok is incredibly effective at drawing users in, with an average daily usage time of 55.8 minutes. This information presents a golden opportunity to transform your ideas into short, impactful 15-second videos. 

Given the preference for concise content among audiences with limited attention spans, TikTok’s short videos are the way to go to capture and retain viewer interest.

2. Higher engagement rate

TikTok is the most engaging social platform, with an average engagement rate of 4.25%

Most TikTok users actively seek diverse content through visually rich searches, from news to reviews. The platform’s appeal lies in trusted and engaging storytelling, making it a top choice for dynamic discovery over traditional reading and research.

3. Global Reach

TikTok’s widespread popularity spans across countries, allowing affiliates to tap into a global audience and diversify their reach.

How do you increase your conversion?

  1. Understanding your strengths and choosing topics you’re comfortable discussing is crucial. This builds credibility as you authentically align your actions with your words.
  2. Capture your audience’s attention by crafting engaging conversational content relevant to your followers.
  3. Consider exploring and showcasing top products on TikTok for inspiration, encouraging you to create unique content that resonates with your audience.

Here are examples of popular content categories that you can draw inspiration from:

GRWM (Get ready with me)

The “Get Ready With Me” (GRWM) trend is popular on social media, where creators share their morning routines and preparation for the day. 

Widely embraced by women, this trend is not only limited to featuring and endorsing various beauty products from different brands, but people also do this trend. 

Below is an example of a GRWM video from ctrlaisyahz for her Eid Mubarak outfit.

Her GRWM video is not limited to only the morning routine; she diversified it by showcasing her outfit, and by right, this TikTok idea can be GRWM to a picnic date, concert or work!

How-to cook video

Creating a “How-to Cook” video on TikTok is a lively way to share a recipe. Start with a friendly intro, showcase ingredients, and break down the cooking process into short, easy-to-follow steps. Highlight unique techniques, add background music, and conclude by presenting the final dish. 

Encourage viewers to like, comment, and share, and include the full recipe in the caption along with relevant cooking hashtags. Remember to include your Involve deeplink in the comment section!

Here’s an example of a Tiktok user sharing her full video on cooking her buttermilk chicken recipe.

To support her content, she added an engaging caption asking the followers what they eat today so that they know what to reply to and create a conversation in her content.

Product review

Doing a product review, unboxing, or sharing a haul on TikTok is a fantastic way to showcase items and share your thoughts. Whether it’s unboxing new tech, reviewing beauty products, or sharing a shopping haul, make it engaging and concise. 

Show off the products, share honest opinions, and add flair to keep viewers interested. Don’t forget to drop your Involve deeplink in the comments section for those wanting more details or looking to support your content on the Involve platform. 

This way, you seamlessly offer additional information while captivating your audience with your TikTok content.

Check out the example below from syarahhay where she shared her laptop purchase for her studies.

She shared an unboxing video of her new HP laptop with her followers, complete with a perfect intro, in which she shared the overall look and feel of the laptop, only with music. She also mentioned that she received a free gift.

Before & After

Crafting a “Before & After” TikTok video lets you visually showcase transformations, whether a makeover, a DIY project, or any other change over time.

Capture the process captivatingly, displaying the initial state and the impressive result. Keep it engaging and concise.

After presenting the transformation, direct viewers to find more details or products used by including your Involve affiliate link in the comments section.

Here is an example of how yurileeeee, who practices Gua Sha daily, received 15.6K likes on her before and after video of her facial transformation.

This creator demonstrated step-by-step how she achieved a more toned facial, which improves blood circulation, and shared her before and after photos so that her followers can be inspired to do the same.

In addition, make sure to explore the “Discover” or “Explore” section on TikTok to identify popular and trending hashtags relevant to your country. 

Incorporating these trending hashtags in your posts can enhance your content’s discoverability, reaching a broader audience actively engaged with your region’s latest trends.Find trending hashtags in your country here.

Pros & Cons

If you’re an Involve Partner and have never been promoting on TikTok yet, you need to understand the explanation below before creating your content:

The affiliate market is slowly entering TikTok, so there’s potential for Partners to earn from it.You need to create an informative video review or else no one will buy your recommendation.
Tiktok users can search for a product, watch reviews, and purchase directly on the app.Involve Partners cannot use TikTok Shop to promote an affiliate link. Instead, they can only provide links in the comment section or on the profile bio.
Hashtags can be used to reach more audiences and increase engagement. The hashtag should be specific, or else people won’t come across your video.

Wrap Up

Hope that this explanation and examples help you become a successful Involve Partner. Remember to know your strengths and keep making content that you love!

If you’re new to Involve, check out this article on how affiliate marketing works. If you already have an account, click the button below to find brands to promote.

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