Shopee Bonus Bonanza Terms & Conditions

  1. The Shopee Bonus Bonanza (“The Campaign”) is valid from 1 August – 31 August 2023, both dates inclusive (“Campaign Period”).
  2. The Campaign is organised by Involve Asia Technologies Sdn Bhd (201201032669) (1017157-V) (“The Company”).
  3. The Campaign is valid for all Partners.
  4. Top 10 Partners who earn a minimum payout of RM350 within the campaign period will be eligible to earn an additional bonus of RM350 cap.
  5. The above additional bonus is only applicable for Top TEN (10) Partners (“Top 10 Partners”).
  6. Only partners who earn below RM200 in July will be eligible for this campaign.
  7. Top 10 Partners in Point 4 are described as Partners who have earned a minimum of RM350, with the top 10 highest payout among all Partners during the Campaign Period.
  8. Top 10 New Partners (Partners who never promoted Shopee TW before) who earn a minimum of RM50 approved payout within the campaign period will be eligible to earn an additional bonus of RM50 cap.
  9. Top 10 Partners in Point 8 are described as Partners who have earned a minimum of RM50, with the top 10 highest payout among all New Partners during the Campaign Period.
  10. New partners will only earn 1 type of bonus from this campaign. (Either RM350 or RM50)
  11. Eligible Partners will receive the bonus as a new conversion (in Pending status) within 7 days after the campaign ends.
  12. The status of the Bonus will be changed to “Approved” after advertiser has completed validations of August 2023 conversion and partner’s approved payout is more than RM350.
  13. The Company can, at its own discretion, disqualify conversions as they see fit.
  14. The Company shall be entitled to withhold any benefits under the services rendered, with notice to the users if the user is found to have breached any of The Company’s Terms and Conditions.


  1. 蝦皮紅利激勵獎金大放送活動 (“本活動”) 有效期從2023年8月1日至2023年8月31日,包括這兩天在內 (“活動期間”)。
  2. 本活動由Involve Asia Technologies Sdn Bhd (201201032669) (1017157-V) (“公司”) 組織。
  3. 該活動對所有合作推廣夥伴均有效。
  4. 在活動期間內賺取最低RM350的前十名合作推廣夥伴將有資格獲得額外的RM350上限獎金。
  5. 以上額外獎金僅適用於前十名合作推廣夥伴(”前十名合作推廣夥伴”)。
  6. 參與資格僅限於在七月份賺取低於RM200佣金的合作推廣夥伴。
  7. 第4條中的前十名合作推廣夥伴定義為在活動期間內賺取最低RM350,並在所有合作推廣夥伴中擁有前十名最高支付金額的推廣夥伴。
  8. 在活動期間內獲得最低RM50批准支付的前十名新合作推廣夥伴(從未推廣過Shopee台灣的合作夥伴)將有資格獲得額外的RM50上限獎金。
  9. 第8點中的前十名合作推廣夥伴定義為在活動期間內賺取最低RM50,並在所有新合作推廣夥伴中擁有前十名最高支付金額的推廣夥伴。
  10. 新合作推廣夥伴在此活動中只能獲得一種類型的獎金。 (RM350或RM50)
  11. 符合所有條件的合作推廣夥伴將在活動結束後的7天內,在平台上收到以轉化訂單形式的獎金金額(轉化訂單的狀態為待定狀態)。
  12. 在品牌方完成對2023年8月轉化的審核並且合作推廣夥伴的批准支付超過RM350後,以轉化訂單形式的獎金狀態將被更改為“”已批准”。
  13. 公司有權自行決定取消不符合條件的轉化。
  14. 如果發現用戶違反了公司的任何條款和條件,公司有權在通知用戶的情況下,拒絕提供服務並扣留任何相關權益。