Popular Pharmacy in Malaysia: Increased 5x Online Sales Within 8 Months with Involve Partnership

The pandemic deeply affected physical retail pharmacies due to movement restrictions in Malaysia and Indonesia.

Advertiser decides to focus on driving new & existing customers to their online e-commerce platforms by collaborating with Partners via affiliate marketing.

Here’s how Advertiser drive sales growth in Malaysia, using affiliate marketing in partnership with Involve.

Using Tracking Data for Optimisation

Using the Involve dashboard, Advertiser monitors active Involve Partners’ monthly performance in driving sales and conversions to leverage their upcoming campaigns & top-selling products and optimise their e-commerce websites.

Advertiser view what kind of campaigns & products Involve Partners are promoting in detail by referring to the Performance Report & Conversion Report. They identify the conversions & sales made on certain products and during specific campaigns.

With these vital data discovered in the reports, Advertiser can create campaigns and feature top-selling products, which are explained further in the next section.

Implementing Peak Sales Campaigns

Advertiser rub the following sales in Malaysia, which their customers often purchase online during these periods:

  • Double-date sales – 10.10, 11.11 & 12.12
  • New arrivals
  • Deals of the month
  • Member special offer
  • Super Price
  • Brand Day
  • Weekend Special

In addition to providing discounts to customers, Advertiser also share exclusive coupon codes to Involve Partners that help increase higher order values and conversion rates. These coupon codes encourage customers to save more while shopping at Advertiser’s e-commerce sites.

Advertiser share the campaign mechanics & visual assets on their Offer pages which help Involve Partners prepare to promote Advertiser’s campaigns on their content.

Advertiser’s campaign updates are sent out via e-mail marketing to Involve Partners. Dedicated Involve account managers reach out to potential Partners interested in promoting health & beauty products.

Highlighting Top-selling Brands & Products

To convert Involve Partners’ followers into customers, Advertiser need to optimise its promotions and product pages by providing vital information so that Involve Partners can convey them to their followers.

They select the top-selling brands and their products to promote based on critical metrics such as the number of visits on the product pages and total sales made for specific products.

From there, they create certain promotions for popular brands, products & product categories to cater to customers’ preferences.

Advertiser provide plenty of information for Partners, enabling them to help drive their followers to Advertiser’s product pages and boost sales & conversions.

Collaborating with Involve Partners

70% of active Partners who promoted Advertiser are influencers and content creators who feature campaigns & top-selling products on their social media platforms & websites.

13% of active Partners shared promotions on their coupon & loyalty websites.

Influencers and content creators highlight the promotions with top-selling products by providing:

  • Brief descriptions of Advertiser’s sales
  • Features of products
  • Eye-catching images of products
  • Call-to-action – encourages followers to click on their affiliate links to Advertiser’s website

They also included promo codes that entice their followers to purchase products with amazing discounts at Advertiser’s e-commerce website during peak sales.

Drove 5x Sales Growth in 8 Months

From January to August 2020, Advertiser earned close to a 5x increase in sales and a return of investment (ROI) of 14.

This significant growth was contributed by participating Partners promoting campaigns with top-selling products during non-peak and peak sales.

Although the number of clicks was low, the conversion rate was significantly high, with a maximum of 14%. Involve Partners’ promotions on popular social media platforms drove more conversions during these eight months.

Partners drove close to 5x conversions in sales for Advertiser due to the popular promotions & top-selling products featured in their content.

The high conversion rate led to Advertiser giving 6x more payout to active Involve Partners.

Head to our guide about aligning your campaigns and products with Involve Partners’ promotions.

Expand Your Campaign Strategy in Affiliate Marketing at Involve

Looking to optimise your brand campaigns through affiliate marketing? Click below to sign up as an Advertiser at Involve & our dedicated Account Manager will reach out to you to plan your next brand strategy.

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